Hi everyone, let me start by apologising for my lack of response to your encouraging emails. The fact of the matter is that it is not only my Achilles heel but also a pain in the back side when it comes to understanding how computers work.
I genuinely struggle and depend on self perseverance to even get logged in to this web site. Hopefully I will learn to respond to each and every one of your comments as they come in.
Let me bring you up to date by letting you know that we have a promotional film being done in the factory next week Tuesday 30th June with all the social distance and regulations adhered to. This will explain and outlay the plans we have, not only for the factory, but also for the surrounding area.
We will have a number of guests, government officials and service user managers giving their insight and opinion on what we have done and what we intend to do.
As you are probably aware that the ten years we have been upgrading the factory from its derelict state, has been achieved by offenders, long term prisoners, NHS mental health placements among a number of other establishment bodies, not forgetting the volunteers
Well we now move into a new vision with a bright future if things go as we now plan. We are hoping to secure the factory on a long term security footing as we now operate from a year to year lease. If our plans come into fruition then Open Gates will be the best place to come to for support and training in our attempt to alleviate re-offending.
I will put our filmed recording on the site for your perusal once it has been completed. I will also furbish you with the five year (could do it in one year if funded) plan we have set out for Open Gates.
Lack of funding has suited our organisation as we have taken a lot longer and used materials from every source possible to get to this stage we are at now. The time factor has allowed us to have had over 200 service users through our doors, each and everyone have participated in the restoration of the building.
Talking about the funding situation then I must mention the Triangle Trust who has been at our backs with support over the past six years. Their faith and trust in what we do is such an encouragement to not only me but also to my amazing board. Both Triangle Trust and our Board have seen us through faze after faze of restoration as we have inched our way along to where we are.
Once again, thank you for your comments, they are appreciated.
God Bless